Prescriptions mask the symptoms and only delay having to deal with them. Mouth guards and other implements are expensive and frustrating to use. Discover our signature approach to addressing the root cause without surgery or side effects.
Understand why you feel the way you do
Consult with one of our NUCCA specialist doctors who will evaluate your case personally
Discover our proven process for relieving TMJ issues and challenges that other doctors haven't helped with
The "Gift of Health" Special
Our Thrive Care can help with vertigo by correcting misalignments in the upper cervical spine.
These misalignments can affect blood flow and nerve function to the inner ear, which can cause vertigo.
Our adjustments are gentle and precise, and do not involve twisting or cracking of the
By restoring proper alignment and function to the upper cervical spine, our Thrive Care can reduce or eliminate vertigo symptoms.
Thrive Care can be a safe and effective alternative to medication or invasive procedures for vertigo.
We specialize in extraordinary care that simply cannot be replicated by other doctors. Whether you have seen a traditional Chiropractor, massage therapist, osteopath, or other kind of doctor, know that we focus on modern, technology-enabled healing that is truly amazing to experience.
This is not traditional Chiropractic care.
There are no pops, cracks, or snaps.
There is no risk of injury from seeing us.
You don't wake up feeling sore after your visit.
There is no bruising.
In fact, our care is so gentle that we routinely see infants and seniors.
Address the root cause of your balance and dizziness challenges and discover a path to confidence, happiness, and optimal health.
Don't take our word for it; take a look at what our life-long patients have to say!
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